What We Offer

The US Federal Tax Credit gives your business 30% of the total cost of purchasing and installing a Electric Vehicle charging station. Must purchase and install by December 31, 2021 and claim the credit on your federal tax return. Maximum credit per address is $30,000.
Rocky Mountain Power (RMP) is offering incentives to Utah non-residential and multifamily dwelling customers to offset the cost of installing charging stations. Projects may request up to $1,500 per Level 2 charging station and up to $42,000 per DC fast charging station. Funds are limited and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. This pilot program is set to end December 31, 2021. Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about the custom application process.
The Utah Department of Environmental Quality is offering up to 50% reimbursement for the cost to purchase and install Level 2 or DC fast charging equipment at eligible locations. The program will be first come, first served until funds have been exhausted.

The US Federal Tax Credit gives individuals 30% off a Home Electric Vehicle charging station plus installation costs (up to $1,000). Must purchase and install by December 31, 2021 and claim the credit on your federal tax return.
Rocky Mountain Power (RMP) residential customers can receive $200 per charger up to 75% of total charger and/or installation costs of an AC Level 2 Charger in their home.